"I'm Here" - Mobile Application Design
“I’m Here” is a Mobile Application I designed and researched to help those combat isolation from PTSD/CPTSD, Depression, Anxiety and other phobias. People with mental illnesses have a hard time reaching out and asking for help due to a variety of reason, but most commonly social stigma. Isolation tends to happen to the person which only exasperates their symptoms.

”I’m Here” is a chat application that lets people post messages anonymously looking for someone to talk to. Being anonymous helps remove the stigma making it easier for a person to seek help. People can choose to post locally, globally, or within their own support group.

Design Document

“I’m Here” is an app designed specifically to combat the isolating effects of Mental Health Issues such as PTSD/CPTSD, Depression, Phobias and Anxiety Disorders. It is a chat app for those feeling overwhelmed and who have no one they can talk to about their own problems.

The target audience is both men and women ages 13+ who are suffering the effects of mental illness.


Person #1 is suffering from PTSD and feels very emotionally overwhelmed. P1 feels like a burden and feels like no one cares or wants to listen. P1 is isolated from friends and family. They heard about “I’m here” app and skeptically downloads and opens it. P1 looks at messages on the bulletin board and sees tons of uplifting and encouraging messages. P1 doesn’t reach out but does feel better knowing there are people that want to help and listen.

How it will be used

The application acts like a mobile message board for anyone who wants or needs to reach out anonymously. Authentication will be through Facebook or mobile code to make people more accountable and no spam bots
Application Explore
Next I explored several different applications and explored their pro’s and cons

Chat Apps:
Positive Activity Jackpot

Mobile Therapy Apps:

Web Sites:
Out of the Storm
Befrienders Worldwide
Reddit: r/RaisedbyNarcissits , r/Raisedbyborderline
Application Comparison, Application Features and Prototyping User Flow
Card Sort

Once I reviewed the different kinds of Therapy applications and websites, I started researching what kinds of people would even use the application. What are their problems? We are they feeling? Do they prefer mobile apps or websites?

I started using Whisper and +SupportGroups.com to gather some user data. I looks for users that disclosed some person information such as gender and age.

The younger crowed 13-30 preferred to use mobile while the older crowd used websites.

From the Data I was about to compile two distinct personas: One of a separated man, another of a teenager.
Persona and Scenario

Persona #1

Name: Jim

Age: Late 30’s/Early 40’s

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: white


Jim is recently separated after 13 years of marriage and heading to divorce. He found out that his wife was having an affair with a coworker for 6 months. She claims that over the last few years he has pushed her away, felt neglected and had to build a wall between them to protect herself from being hurt. Jim thinks that she is making up excuses for her behavior. Still he wants to work on the marriage but she wants to call it quits. Currently she’s left their home and has an apartment by herself. He’s alone in a big empty house every night staring at his computer and TV.

He use to be very social and active but now he can’t even remember when he last went out with his friends or with his wife for that matter. Most nights he was happy just staying in and watching netflix with his wife. She would occasionally ask or plan to go out but he never did anything. It usually ended with a small argument and her storming out and Jim staying in. When she would come home he would just ignore her or make snide comments about her night. Thinking about it he began to understand why she felt neglected and pushed away.

Jim was just your average guy. He likes to go to the gym occasionally and ran 5Ks with his wife from time to time. He use to go out every Friday night with his close friends. They would either hang out at someone’s house or go to the bar to catch a football game. Jim is really into college football. His favorite team are the Indiana Hoosiers, from his alma mater. He’s also a grilling and barbecue enthusiast and wanted to get a nice smoker in the future. Steak is one of his favorite things to cook.

As he thought back, his self isolation started about 4-5 years ago, right after he lost his job. He became depressed, moody and would just barely have the motivation to look for work. He even started drinking more during the day. After one rough day, he had gone through 2 six packs and blacked out on the couch. His drinking had begun to scare him. His father was an abusive alcoholic and it started to trigger flashbacks to his childhood. It put Jim on edge and his temper would flare. Even over small things that would have never bothered him before, like misplacing his keys or running out of milk.

Even after Jim limited his drinking to the weekend and gotten a new job, he was still moody, unmotivated and irritable. He was never able to really bounce back after losing his job.

Persona #2

Name: Chanel

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Black


Chanel is having a really hard time at home. Her and her mother fight everyday and it always seems to be over nothing. The other day her mom had come home from work and yelled at her for leaving “dirty dishes” in the sink. It turns out it was a coffee mug her mom had used in the morning and spoon. Chanel of course counter back and it just spiraled into a yelling match. Her mother ended up storming off and locked herself in the bedroom for the rest of the evening. They’ve been icy towards each other ever since.

School has been mediocre at best. She’s a star student with a high GPA and gets along well with the teachers. She’s not really that popular but she does have a small group of friends.

Chanel is a mixed bag when it comes to taste. She’s really into science, specifically bionics in the medical field. She talks about opening her own research lab when she finishes college. She’s also really into fashion but doesn’t actually dress up herself. She enjoys the art and creative aspects of it. She’s into the high fashion scene of Italy and the street fashions of Tokyo. Her Instagram is full of fashion pieces.

Chanel has basically gotten use to her mother’s temper tantrums and is more generally annoyed at them. She feels like her mother is completely crazy but knows she only has to put up with her for another couple of years till she leaves for college. She actually prefers the ice treatment that way her mother isn’t screaming constantly at her. It's no wonder her Dad left her. After a grueling divorce and nasty custody battle, her mom got full parental rights and her Dad can only visit on the weekends.

Even though Chanel has a few close friends, she feels she can’t open up and talk. They’ve heard a few stories and know she can be a loose cannon but they are unaware of the daily battle her mom puts her through. She feels that “family business” should be kept only between the family. Plus who wants to hear about what crazy thing Chanel’s mom freaked out over every single day?

Scenario - Jim

One night Jim is home alone, curled up on the couch, staring blankly at the TV. He realized that we had not gone out anywhere since his split from his wife. He hadn't gone out with his friends in a year and he was too embarrassed to try and make amends. “What would he even say?” Jim didn’t even know where he would begin. It was Friday night, he knew what bar everyone would be hanging out at. Maybe he should just pop in? Jim sighed in exhaustion. He had never felt more lonely, isolated or exhausted. He really missed his old friends but he had zero motivation to try and reach out.

After mindlessly staring at the TV, he grabbed his phone to check out Facebook. Scrolling past post after post one caught his eye. It read , “Depressed? Separated? Feeling isolated, yet scared to reach out? Try I’m Here, a support group app that lets you post anonymously and safely. Talk to others who are going the same thing.”
Jim wasn’t really into the app or social media scene. But he figured what the hell and downloaded it. He made an account and began to browse. There were support groups for mental health issues like PTSD and depression but also for divorce and infidelity. Jim never did post but he enjoyed reading about other people. Many of which were going through the exact same thing. It brought him comfort. Maybe next week he’ll give his friends a call…..

Scenario - Chanel

After having a row with her mom, Chanel had shut herself into her room with her mom still screaming and yelling around the house at no one in particular.

“I’m the only one that does anything in this house! Nobody appreciates me!”

Chanel, used to listening to her mother ravings, rolled her eyes. “Because you’re crazy and annoying” she mumbled to herself. Chanel took out her phone and checked her social media. First snapchat, then Facebook, then Instagram. Seeing the photos of her friends and their normal parents made her sad. “What is wrong with my Mom? Why does she snap at everything? Why is this bitch so miserable? Why does she hate me so much?”

Tears welled up and fell down her cheeks. She only had to put up with this for 2 more years then she would be long gone at college. She could get her degree, make her money and never have to deal with her mom again.

An ad popped up on her Instagram feed,

“Feeling Alone with no one to talk to? Try I’m Here, a support group app that lets you post anonymously and safely. Talk to others who are going the same thing.”

Chanel figured she would try it out. She doubted anyone else would understand what she’s going through. She couldn’t imagine anyone else hating their mother as much as she did. She signed up, made a profile and started checking out the different topics. She stopped at one, “Family Issues” and started reading posts. She felt overwhelmed. Many people, adults and teens, also didn’t like their mothers. This was the first time she felt validated and knew something was wrong with her mom.

Chanel then started posting about her fights with her mom. Almost immediately someone had posted. “Your mom sounds like a real basket case. *Hugs*” Chanel started crying, this time though she felt a little better.
Paper Wireframes and Prototype
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